The Thinkgate Technology Platform provides administrators with the ability to access a variety of assessment results data in several different formats.

Click here for directions on pulling a report with all the student scores by name and ID for a particular assessment.

Click here for directions on pulling a report that displays both the % correct and the % satisfactory.

The Superintendent and his Cabinet have initiated a continuous improvement process called
Data Assessment and Technical Assistance/Coordination of Management (Data/COM). This is a rigorous dialogue based on performance data about the ways a school has attempted to boost student achievement and whether it has succeeded or fallen short. Together, principals and the executive team plot the resource allocation and programming to continue to address areas of need until results improve.

Regional superintendents bring principals together for their own Data/COM conversations. At the school level, administrators, instructional coaches, teachers and students participate in data dialogues as well - attempts to understand individualized strengths and weaknesses and plan meaningful and effective strategies so that all involved can continuously improve.

Sample Data/COM questions-1

Sample Data/COM questions-2

This is the link for the Student Performance Indicator Guide

and the Student File Download Manager User Guide 2013

2013-14 Year at a Glance updated with Fall Interim Data